"Lose Up To 20 lbs in 30-days and Blast Off Your Belly Fat!"
Clinically Proven, Natural Way To Quickly Release up to 20 Pounds in 30-Days Without Rebound Weight Gain.
Say Good-Bye to Yo-Yo Dieting Forever!
Real People, Real Results
Susan lost baby weight 12-wks
Theresa lost 47 lbs in 12-wks
Lynn lost 36 lbs in 16-wks
Here’s how Slenderiix & Xceler8 works!
Slenderiix is a homeopathic formula designed to assist in the specific release of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat, fatty deposits located under the surface of the skin within the body. As a hormone-free and pharmacopeia approved product, Slenderiix aids in reducing these fat stores simultaneously, resulting in weight loss at 2X the rate of just a calorie reduction program.

Xceler8 is a patented combination of methylcobalamin (vitamin B12), biotin (vitamin H) and a blend of adaptogenic herbs. With the proper ratios, this composite increases metabolic rate, enhances energy levels, and stabilizes mood.

Based on scientific evidence, this unique combination of homeopathic remedies, when coupled with vitamin B12 drops, controls appetite and increases metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy the body uses in a certain time period. When the metabolic rate increases, the amount of calories that the body burns for energy also increases.
Science Based Weight Loss
Abnormal fat storage resulting from a suppressed metabolism is a disease of deficiency and coexistent toxicity. The only way to create and sustain a slender body is through a program that simultaneously addresses both nutritional re-balancing and systemic detoxification.

When combining Slenderiix with the metabolic stimulator, Xceler8, the physiological ability to eliminate excessive amounts of visceral and subcutaneous fat are simultaneously maximized.

All Slenderiiz products are manufactured to GMP, FDA, and OTC standards. The quality assurance of Slenderiiz products matches that of over-the-counter medicine requirements.
Deanna Latson, Chief Product Officer & co-founder
of ARIIX and Dr. Ray Strand, M.D. Chief Medical Officer
Homeopathic and Doctor Formulated...Clinically Proven!

Dr. Ray Strand, M.D. 
Health Concepts Intl.

"Why would you want to lose weight just to gain it back. "Weight Loss is great, I don’t go against that, but however keeping it off is priceless. That is what Slenderiiz is offering you with their system."

Dr. Jeffrey Illeck

“As a practicing OB/GYN physician, working with so many women and prospective fathers who struggle with their weight and diet, I would be totally remiss to not let everyone know about this exciting solution for weight management. I have personally experienced and witnessed the efficacy, clinical studies, and safety of the ingredients in the Slenderiiz System." 
Real People, Real Results
Lisa lost 130 lbs. in 12-months
Rick lost 36 lbs. in 8-wks
James lost 203 lbs. in 14-mo.
Nita lost 70 lbs. in 5-months
Chris lost 55 lbs. in 12-wks
Shannon lost 60 lbs. in 5-mo.
Victor lost 93 lbs.
Vern lost 67 lbs. in 8-wks
Terry lost 105 lbs.

Dr. Alan E. Organ, M.D., PhD. 
Pediatrics (Ret)

As a physician I couldn’t recommend anything that I hadn’t tried. The bottom line for me is that when I tell my students I’ve got something that works, I know it works, because I lost 30lbs in three months effortlessly. I did walking and that’s it. I’ve been off the drops six months and I haven’t gained any of the weight back in fact I’m about ready to put another notch in my belt because my pants keep falling down. I’m not really doing anything different accept that I’m not taking the drops at this point."
The one of a kind formula found in Slenderiix, made up of 100% homeopathic ingredients recognized by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), alleviates hunger as it flushes fats and toxins from our systems. When used together in a signature 1250-calorie program, Slenderiix and Xceler8 support speedy weight loss, including stubborn belly fat, and reduce the odds of “rebound weight gain”
This Program Works Because We’ve Overcome The Major Reasons “Dieting” Doesn’t Work
We’ve worked with hundreds of men and women who have struggled to lose weight. We found that four factors greatly affected their ability to have a lean, healthy body:
  • Cravings
  • Lifestyle
  • Slow Results
  • Confusing Program
The Optimize Weight Loss Program has eliminated every reason someone would fail to get the healthy, lean body they want. Our program, incorporating the all-new, clinically proven Slenderiiz Rapid Fat Loss Solution, helps you reach your goals without cravings, crazy dieting or exercising and is easy to follow and incorporate into your everyday life.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
We are so confident that you’ll love the results you see with the OptimizeWeightLoss.com program featuring Slenderiiz Rapid Fat Loss Drops that we’re giving you a 100% 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t see the results you want within 30 days, just send back the empty bottles to the manufacturer for a full refund.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is advised that you consult a physician before starting any weight loss or exercise program. No results are guaranteed by any person. Results shown are not typical and will vary from person to person. 
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